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For Teachers
Teacher Resources
The resources below are for teachers to use to meet our At-Home Learning Goals. Please ensure every action taken during this transition to at-home learning meets the needs of both our students and parents.
Goals for Learning at Sam Tasby Middle School:
- Simplifying the learning process for students and parents
- Maintaining student progress towards appropriate course goals
- Preparing students for future coursework/learning
- Meeting students social and emotional needs
- Making sure every student feels seen, known, and grown
Access the District and Staff calendars online or download various district calendars and schedules. -
Employee Resources
New Hire Information, Benefits, Compensation, Human Capital Management, Contract Days, Employee Records Request, and more. -
Inet (
Dallas ISD's intranet. (only accessible from the District's network) -
Dallas ISD is implementing a new student information system, PowerSchool, for the 2018-2019 school year. PowerSchool provides a unified solution for Parents, Students, and District staff by integrating the Teacher Gradebook and Student Information System. For more information about training and resources visit the PowerSchool web page. -
Library and Media Services
Library and Media Services provides a comprehensive collection of instructional materials to teachers, principals, and staff through intra-library loan and online resources. -
Skype for Business
Learn how to use Skype for Business to connect to your co-workers via telephone calls, videoconferencing, instant messaging, email, and online meetings. -
MyData Portal
MyData Portal exists to support Dallas ISD's schools in making substantive instructional decisions to educate their students for success. MyData Portal, together with Dallas ISD's Curriculum Central, provide educators with demographic information, curriculum tools, and current and historical assessment data for use in an inquiry-based process for the continuous improvement of teaching and learning.